
0.0236° S, 37.9062° E
These Samburu warriors guided us up the mountain and spent the night with us around the fire, under the stars.

The Samburu people are nicknamed the ‘Butterflies’ because of their brightly coloured clothing that they wear.

We cooked with them and listened to their stories of their incredibly different lives.

One story stood out the most to me: for 7 months of the year, it doesn’t rain (May-November). During this time, food and water is scarce so they only eat/drink milk and blood from their cows who spend the dry months grazing on Mt. Ololokwe.

The next morning, we gave them control of our small bluetooth speaker. They played some of their music and we had a dance party on top of the mountain together.

Shot on the Canon R5, 15-35mm, f/2.8, 13sec, ISO5000

This image is a single exposure that Josiah Gordon and I set up together. We were expecting to need to combine 2 separate exposures but the stars were bright enough, and the fire was dim enough for the scene to be captured in a single frame. The milky way appears horizontal across the sky when you’re on the equator, which perfectly fit the frame of this image.

Shot on the Canon R5, 800mm, f/11, 1600sec, ISO2000

It was a cold morning as we left our camp in the Maasai Mara before dawn. We drove a few hours to the bank of the Emboo River where we'd be waiting for the wildebeest to cross the muddy croc-infested water.

The sun came up and the heat of the Kenyan sun started to beat down on our convertible Land Cruiser.We waited and waited as the wildebeest slowly inched closer to the water, mustering up the courage to cross.

Finally, after almost 12 hours in the heat of the Maasai Mara, we were rewarded by one of the most dramatic wildlife spectacles in Africa. The animals decided to cross at 5:30pm, right as the light was turning gold for sunset. Once one animal goes, they all follow. In this case, a family of brave zebras were first, then about 5000 wildebeest followed in a chaotic stampede.

Since my first trip to the Mara in 2021, I fell in love with the absolutely mind-blowing mix of raw nature and culture. The stunning Maasai song and dance paired with their vibrant colours and warrior mindset create one of the most powerful cultural experiences I’ve come across during my travels. If you step outside one of their villages, you’re immediately in the wild of the mara… lion country.

The Mara is one of the most densely packed wildlife reserves on the planet. It’s rare to go more than a few hours without seeing one of earth’s most deadly predators searching for their next kill.

Shot on the Sony A1, 400mm, f/2.8, 1/800sec, ISO1000

The Maasai warriors have an interesting relationship with lions. Up until roughly 15 years ago it was custom for a young Maasai Warrior to kill a lion as part of their rite of passage into manhood. This practice has since been abolished by the elders as they have recognized the importance of conservation- especially because they live off the land.

The new Maasai rite of passage is to get a formal education.

Shot on the Sony A1, 16-35mm, f/8, 1/125sec, ISO3200

This is Naserian. She is a Masai warrior and has been my guide in the Mara each time I go. She is paving the way for women in the Masai community by standing up to old masculine beliefs and creating her own path with an education and a prominent job as a guide in the Mara.

We found this abandoned ostrich egg on the side of the road.

The dramatic stormy sky contrasted so well with the bright colours of the Maasai.

I’ve spent time with this tribe 3 times now and it’s always a memorable experience.

Shot on the Canon R5, 15-35mm, f/8, 1/250, ISO500

We met Ibrahim on Diani Beach on Kenya’s east coast. He agreed to meet us on the beach for sunrise with his beautiful camels. We met up and photographed him as he washed his camels in the warm waves of the Indian ocean.

The best way to get more action in a scene with kids, is to challenge them to a running race. No matter where you are in the world, kids will always want to see who’s fastest.

Shot on the Canon R5, 15-35mm, f/6.3, 1/640sec, ISO800
A group of women walk down Diani Beach. Their clothing contrasting perfectly with the turquoise water and white sand.

I don’t know why, but every time I go to Kenya, I have a bit of pre-shoot anxiety. I think it’s because I have no idea what I’m going to see, or if I’m going to see anything at all (which is a ridiculous thought because there is so much to see). But that’s what makes these shots so rewarding- not only because they’re fleeting moments that are hard to capture, but because it’s also a massive stress relief when I’m reminded how incredible Kenya is. This place never fails to impress me.